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Within the classroom environment, active listening is a fundamental skill that facilitates effective communication, enhances student-teacher rapport, and encourages shared understanding. Thus, this strategy helps the students to: Improved Comprehension and Understanding Active listening skills are essential for students to grasp and retain information effectively. By actively engaging in the listening process, students can focus on the speaker, understand the main ideas, and make connections to their prior knowledge. This leads to improved comprehension and a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Enhanced Academic Achievement: Effective listening skills have a direct impact on academic achievement. Students who possess strong listening skills are better equipped to succeed in various aspects of their academic journey.


Step 1:

Set up your environment - If you can establish a habit of preparing for class and listening to the teacher, this will train your brain to get ready to focus. You're telling your brain that it is time to focus. Here are several suggestions. Get your writing materials out and in front of you before the teacher starts talking.

Set out your planner and paper for writing - When the teacher begins speaking Point your feet towards the teacher, this helps tutor direct your focus towards the teacher avoid distractions before the teacher starts. You may need even need to choose not to sit next to your friends.

Step 2:

Choose to be interested - Try to create a positive open mind. Remind yourself that you're going to learn something new today. You may tell yourself. I have to be here. I might as well learn something new. And approach the teacher with an open and positive mind.

Step 3:
Be prepared - If there was a reading assignment complete reading assignment, if you had homework, at least attempt the homework before coming to class.Your chances of listening and following along will greatly increase. The more, you know, about the topic that the teacher is talking about.

Step 4:
Actively Listen - Keep your eyes on the teacher instead of goal of making eye contact with your teacher, I set number of times while they talk. Listen with a pin or pencil in hand. You can jot, down notes, draw, pictures of what the teacher is talking about. You can take formal notes, you can ask questions and you can volunteer to answer questions.

Start practicing these four ideas daily and you will listen more effectively in class.